Online cash register software

The smart industry solution for the POS

Simple and intuitive checkout system

Professional POS systems in the retail sector perform far more functions than just securely storing coins and banknotes. Electronic cash register systems are true all-rounders that are indispensable for cash register management. They impress with their user-friendliness, simplify daily work and are always up to date. POS systems for the retail sector can range from simple to complex. At einsAmobile, we place particular emphasis on comprehensive and individual advice. The implementation of the solution is simple and easy to understand.
Professional POS system
  • Cash Journal
  • Touchscreen cash register module
  • Invoices and receipts
  • DIN A4 or POS bond print (PDF)
  • Evaluations and reports
  • Marketing-Tools
  • Management of tariffs, contracts and articles
  • Management of customers and employees
  • GoBD compliant (PDF)
Overview of the business figures
  • Sales evaluation
  • Commissions
  • Bestseller
  • Employee evaluations
  • Income statement, balance sheets
Inventory management
  • POS bond printing
  • Article management of product groups and subgroups
  • Serial number recording
  • Inventory support
  • Label printing
Customer management
  • simple entry and search, simple import and export
  • Customer profile
  • Document management
  • Appointment management
Tariff and contract management
  • clear contract management
  • Tariff maintenance with commissions and terms
  • Import and export of Tariff tables
Commission control
  • Importing commission tables
  • Automatic comparison of target/actual commissions
  • Branch and employee evaluations via commissions
Personalized approach to your customers
  • Send contract renewal reminder by SMS
  • Form letters as PDF
  • Birthday lists
Further features
  • Repair management
  • Order management
  • Employee messaging system
  • Time recording and
  • Vacation planning
  • Document management
  • To-do lists
Technical details
  • Own database
  • Network-compatible
  • Can be used from any internet-enabled device
  • Any number of users
  • Import and export tools
  • Continuous further development
  • Automatic updates
Get an initial overview


Frequently asked questions
Can the POS system be used from several workstations?
  • Yes, any number of workstations and employees can work with the POS system.
How long does it take to set up the POS system?
  • The system is usually ready for use within one to two working days.
Can I use my previously collected customer data?
  • Yes, the POS system offers the option of importing tables.
How is the SMS sent?
  • With our new APP on your smartphone or via an SMS gateway and web SMS service provider
Does the POS system take new data protection regulations into account?
  • Yes, you can record the consent for each customer and whether they would like to be contacted by SMS, email, telephone or letter. You print out the consent with one click and the customer confirms with their signature.
Get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!