Collection campaign to protect the habitat of gorillas

Press release

einsAmobile is starting a cell phone collection campaign for all Ashop partners for the nature conservation project "A cell phone for the gorilla".

Unused cell phones no longer gather dust in drawers, but are used for a good cause. From July 2017, collection boxes will be set up for employees at the einsAmobile headquarters in Obertshausen and at all Ashop partners for customers.

The principle is very simple: Frankfurt Zoological Society (ZGF) collects used cell phones and receives money from its recycling partner Teqcycle for each old device. This money goes 100% towards the ZGF's global conservation projects for the preservation of habitats and biodiversity.

"The ZGF is delighted to have won einsAmobile GmbH as a premium collection partner for the cell phone campaign. Thanks to the large network of its Ashop partners, the ZGF now has the opportunity to draw attention to the "A cell phone for the gorilla" collection project nationwide in cooperation with einsAmobile," says Michael Kauer, project manager for conservation ambassadors at the ZGF.

"We are happy to support the ZGF's cell phone collection project and are pleased to be able to make a sustainable contribution to environmental protection with this cooperation," says Hakan Erdem, Head of Marketing at einsAmobile.

The old cell phones are broken down into their individual components and recycled. The recycled materials are thus available again as a valuable raw material for the production of new devices. Recycled raw materials no longer have to be mined and valuable habitats are preserved. Around ten percent of the cell phones collected can be resold after a refurbishment process. This creates a sustainable cycle.

Secure Take Back from Teqcycle provides secure and DEKRA-certified data erasure. ZGF works exclusively with certified and certified

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audited recycling partners in order to guarantee environmentally friendly processing.

Frankfurt Zoological Society (ZGF):

The ZGF is an internationally active nature conservation organization based in Frankfurt am Main/ with projects in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia and Europe. In 2009, the conservation ambassadors, a cooperation project between ZGF and Frankfurt Zoo, initiated the collection campaign "A cell phone for the gorilla". For every cell phone collected or sent in, the ZGF receives a fixed amount of money from its recycling partner.

Mountain gorillas are among the most endangered great apes. There are only around 880 animals left. Virunga National Park in the heart of Africa is a center of biodiversity and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The national park has been on the list of endangered world heritage sites since 1994.

You can find more information about the project here:

Teqcycle Solutions GmbH:

Teqcycle Solutions GmbH sees itself as a coordinator of individual take-back processes and programs for mobile devices and guarantees its customers unique transparency.

Teqcycle acts as a management authority and uses a tested, global network of service providers (repair, refurbishment, logistics and recycling companies) that work with Teqcycle software solutions. This ensures seamless documentation of the flow of goods. Thanks to its independence in the choice of service providers, Teqcycle can offer a cost-optimized service free of conflicts of interest.

One focus of Teqcycle is the in-house programming of the take-back platforms and the link to the central system Reversys, the heart of Teqcycle.

About einsAmobile GmbH:

The Obertshausen-based telecommunications distributor einsAmobile GmbH offers its specialist retail partners top conditions for mobile devices from all well-known major hardware manufacturers as well as card activation for almost all German network and service providers. In addition, the successful Ashop partner concept of einsAmobile GmbH offers a unique multi-brand cooperation concept on the mobile communications market.

einsAmobile GmbH, a subsidiary of mobilezone holding ag, is one of the leading telecommunications distributors with more than 130 employees in Germany and generated annual sales of over EUR 710 million in the 2016 financial year. Founded in 1999, mobilezone holding ag (ticker symbol SIX: MOZN) is the leading independent Swiss telecommunications specialist with sales of CHF 1,088 million and a consolidated profit of CHF 36.1 million in the 2016 reporting year. Its services and products are offered in 129 of its own stores in Switzerland. The offering includes a complete range of cell phones and tariff plans for mobile and landline telephony, digital TV and Internet from all major providers. Independent advice and services for private and business customers as well as repair services round off the offering.

Editorial contact:

Judith Uftring
Marketing – Communication & PR
Phone +49 6104 / 4057 – 710

einsAmobile GmbH
Samerwiesen 6
63179 Obertshausen